CrossFit 2015 Leaderboard Data
A data set containing information about the 2015 CrossFit Leaderboard. It includes data about athletes and their results for that year.
It was obtained at The data was scraped from the online CrossFit Leaderboard.
A data frame with 1504303 rows and 28 variables:
- division: Athlete division (Female or Male).
- stage: Workout number (1 through 5).
- athlete_id: Numeric ID.
- rank: Athlete rank by stage.
- score: Score by stage, in number of repetitions or seconds.
- howlong: How long the athlete has had CrossFit experience for.
- category: Athlete category (Rx or Scaled).
- scaled: Boolean indicating if athlete is scaled or not.
- name: Athlete name.
- region: Which region the athlete comes from.
- team: Team the athlete is part of.
- affiliate: Affiliate the athlete is part of.
- gender: Athlete gender.
- age: Athlete age.
- height: Athlete height in inches.
- weight: Athlete weight in pounds.
- Remaning variables (from fran to pullups): These are the results of several benchmark workouts.